How to Avoid Free Tablet Scams

Free Tablet Scams

In today’s digital age, tablets have become an essential tool for work, education, and entertainment. With the rising demand for these devices, scammers have taken advantage of unsuspecting individuals by offering free tablet scams. These scams can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and a sense of betrayal. In this article, we will explore some common free tablet scams and provide valuable tips on avoiding falling prey to these fraudulent schemes.

Traps of False Government Programs

Traps of False Government Programs

As a ruse, scammers may pose as representatives of legitimate government initiatives that offer free tablets and internet services to eligible individuals. For instance, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a genuine program designed to assist households during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing discounts for purchasing laptops, desktop computers, or tablets, as well as monthly internet service discounts.

However, fraudsters may exploit this program by creating fake ads on social media, luring victims with promises of assistance in enrolling for the program in exchange for money or personal information. Remember, enrolling in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is entirely free, and no payments are required.

Deceptive Eligibility Criteria

Another variant of free tablet scams involves scammers offering tablets to individuals who meet specific income thresholds or are beneficiaries of government assistance programs. Reports from Pennsylvania, for instance, have exposed scammers stationed near popular locations such as Walmart or bus stations, promising free tablets to those who earn more than $100,000 annually or are enrolled in EBT and food stamps. The motive behind these scams may not always be clear, but scammers may seek to acquire personal information or profit in ways beyond the tablet’s actual worth.

How to Safeguard Yourself from Free Tablet Scams

Protecting yourself from these scams is paramount in the digital age. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

1. Verify Official Government Programs

When you come across an offer for free tablets or any government assistance, verify the legitimacy of the program through official channels. Government programs have dedicated websites and official communication channels through which you can apply without any charge.

2. Do Not Share Personal Information

Be cautious about sharing sensitive personal information such as your Social Security number, bank details, or credit card information with unknown individuals or websites. Legitimate entities will not ask for such information upfront.

3. Be Wary of Unsolicited Calls, Texts, or Emails

Beware of scammers who may contact you without prior notice to target potential victims. If you receive a call, text, or email claiming to offer a free tablet or any other attractive deal, be skeptical and verify the source before taking any action.

4. Research the Offer

Conduct thorough research on the offer, the organization, or the individual providing the free tablets. Check for online reviews and feedback from others who have dealt with the same offer. Legitimate deals often have a track record of positive interactions.

5. Report Scams

If you encounter a suspicious free tablet offer or believe you have fallen victim to a scam, report it immediately to the relevant authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States. Reporting scams helps prevent others from being victimized.


In conclusion, free tablet scams are a rising concern in the digital world, and it is crucial to remain vigilant to protect ourselves from falling victim to these fraudulent schemes. Scammers often use tactics, such as impersonating government programs or offering free tablets based on false eligibility requirements, to exploit unsuspecting individuals. By being cautious, verifying the authenticity of offers, and refraining from sharing personal information hastily, we can safeguard ourselves from these scams. Remember, if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Stay informed, stay cautious, and stay safe in the digital landscape!


How do scammers impersonate government programs?

Scammers may create fake ads or websites that mimic legitimate government programs offering free devices or internet services. They often use social media platforms, emails, or phone calls to entice individuals into providing personal information or making payments for enrollment in these fake programs.

Are all free tablet offers scams?

While not all free tablet offers are scams, it’s crucial to exercise caution and skepticism when encountering such promotions. Legitimate giveaways may exist, but they are usually sponsored by reputable companies or organizations. Always research the offer thoroughly and verify its authenticity before participating.

What should I do if I come across a free tablet offer?

If you encounter a free tablet offer, take the time to investigate its legitimacy. Avoid sharing personal information immediately, especially if the offer seems suspicious or requires payment for enrollment. When in doubt, contact the company or organization directly through their official website or customer service channels to confirm the offer’s validity.

What are some common signs of a free tablet scam?

Several red flags can indicate a potential free tablet scam. These include offers that seem too good to be true, requests for sensitive personal information upfront, pressure to act quickly, or requests for payment before receiving the free tablet. Additionally, be cautious of offers received via unsolicited emails or calls.

I already provided my information to a potential scammer. What should I do now?

If you suspect that you’ve fallen victim to a free tablet scam and provided personal information, act promptly to protect yourself. Immediately change any passwords or account credentials that you may have disclosed. Consider placing a fraud alert on your credit report and closely monitor your financial accounts for any unusual activity. Report the scam to your local law enforcement or the appropriate consumer protection agency to help prevent others from becoming victims.

Can I get a free tablet from legitimate sources?

While legitimate sources may occasionally offer free tablets as part of special promotions or giveaways, it’s essential to be cautious and verify the authenticity of such offers. Reputable companies or organizations typically conduct these promotions through their official websites or verified social media accounts. Remember that genuine giveaways should not require extensive personal information or payment to participate.

What other types of free device scams should I be aware of?

Apart from free tablet scams, other similar scams may involve free smartphones, laptops, or other electronic devices. The tactics used by scammers in these cases are often similar, aiming to trick individuals into providing personal information or money under pretenses. Remain vigilant and apply the same caution when encountering offers for any free electronic devices.

Is it safe to click on links in emails or social media ads offering free tablets?

Clicking on links in unsolicited emails or social media ads can be risky, as they might lead to malicious websites or phishing attempts. To stay safe, avoid clicking on such links and instead visit the official website of the company or organization offering the free tablet directly through your browser.

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